Democratic Club of Cape Coral
March 21, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 1:05 by President Kay Nichols with quorum present.
The secretary was absent so the minutes of the last two meetings were passed out. Everyone was to look them over. There were no questions or concerns. Tim Hawes gave motion to accept the minutes. Pat Trotter seconded the motion.
New faces were recognized three in attendance.
Marni Sawicki, Cape Coral’s mayor gave a short talk on several of the projects the city is working to solve.
No treasures report given.
Tim Hawes gave a report on the website. The site is a work in progress.
Kay asked the members to call new residents that have registered Democrat to tell them about our club.
New business was the Easter Parade in Dunbar. Members wanted to pass on the parade and work on things for Cape Coral like the Memorial Day Parade.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:10 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Trotter, Vice President