JULY 18 2015
Democratic Club of Cape Coral
The Democratic Club of Cape Coral meeting was called to order by President Kay Nichols at 1:10. Both President and Vice President were present. Vice President transcribed the minutes of the meeting.
Heather Mazurkiewicz from Cape Coral fire department was the speaker. She talked about how they are trying to get the State to put a cancer clause in place for the firemen. Cancer is real prevalent in this line of work. A lot of other states have already added this protection for the firemen.
Minutes for May were read by Patricia Trotter, there was a correction made as the minutes should have said March and April not April and May, and correction was made. Sharon Davies made motion to accept minutes and Tim Hawes seconded the motion. Minutes passed.
The Treasurers report was Read by Maryann Ferrarese. Available money in account is $969.46. Kay Nichols made motion to accept the treasurers report and Pat Trotter seconded the motion and all agreed. Kay Nichols made a motion to pay Pat Trotter for expenses for Red White and Boom, Sharon Davies seconded the motion and all agreed.
Old business Tim Hawes reported on progress of new web site, it’s up and looking great.
Tim also gave report on the nominating committee. Nominated were:
- Kay Nichols for President
- Pat Trotter Vice President
- Jeff Wernsing, Secretary
- Maryann Ferrarese Treasurer
- The board to be announced
Sharon Davies talked about GOTV said she would post the action plan.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55
Respectfully submitted by
Acting Secretary, Patricia Trotter