Democratic Club of Cape Coral
January 16th, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by President Kay Nichols with quorum present.
Introduction of guest speaker Carmen Salome, for Supervisor of Elections. She was given time to talk about her experience working alongside of Lee county elected officials for the past ten years. She also talked about her dedication and experience.
President Nichols stated the election for the position of president is next month. We have two candidates nominated so far: Winston Negron and Tim Hawes. Both were afforded time to speak to the membership.
Tim Hawes congratulated President Nichols for her dedication and commitment to the club. He also reminded the membership that nominations are still open until next months meeting.
President Nichols stated that the board has been meeting and brain storming on how to continue to grow the club. All members need to be active and involved.
Motion to accept the minutes as read by Tim Hawes, seconded by Michelle Guerin.
Motion to accept the treasurer's report by April Freeman, seconded by Shirley Hogan. Closing balance of $984.20 as of December 31st, 2015. Currently, dues for 2016 are payable now. Treasurer Mary Ann Ferrarese mentioned an audit of the books should be done.
Kevin Shedd asked about changing the date and time of the meetings. President Nichols said we would have to check with IPAT to see about availability of the union hall.
Michelle Guerin asked about the voting next month, it will be by ballot.
Jessica Cosden asked about the possibility of child care during the meetings. This would be helpful for parents to attend meetings and may attract younger members with families.
Cathy Michiels discussed the upcoming Gala, which will be held January 30th at the Harborside Convention Center in Fort Myers. President Nichols mentioned the vote for the table was voided. If anyone is interested please contact Sharon Davies.
April Freeman talked about her campaign and the redistricting.
Motion to adjourn @ 2:08 by Michelle Guerin, seconded by April Freeman.
Respectfully submitted by Jeff Wernsing, Recording Secretary