Democratic Club of Cape Coral
October 17th 2015
The meeting was called to order at 12:58 by President Kay Nichols with quorum present.
President Kay Nichols introduced guest speakers Andy Fenske from Cape Coral Water Department and Brian Fenske from the Sewer department. Information was given about the cities current south and north pumping plants. The south plant produces 18 million gallons of drinking water per day, the north plant produces 12 million gallons. Tours of the north R/O plant are scheduled by appointments. The city has the capability to pump 30 million gallons per day at build out. In the event of a hurricane the plants can run 7-10 days on generator power. Cape Coral is competitive with operating cost compared to other Florida cities. Brian talked about the waste water plant and reclaimed water. The city doesn't discharge any sewage into the river. The treated water along with 5 canal pumping stations are use for the reclaimed irrigation water. This water should not be used as drinking water, and when watering vegetables (such as tomatoes) irrigation should be at the base of the plants. The cities highest demand for this water was 40 million gallons in one single day.
Motion to accept the minutes as circulated by Pat Trotter seconded by Ginger Nygren.
Motion to accept the treasurer's report as circulated by Tim Hawes seconded by Bob Archambeau.
Tim Hawes asked about reimbursement to the treasurer for the fee paid to the state.
President Kay Nichols postponed the vote on the by-laws this month.
Discussion on the 7 charter amendments on upcoming city election ballot.
Motion to adjourn @ 2:25 by Bob Archambeau, seconded by Michelle Guerin.
Respectfully submitted by
Jeff Wernsing, Recording Secretary